Place Plan


Crickhowell Town Council has worked with Bannau Brycheiniog National Park Authority (who co-funded the project) to produce a vision for the future of our town for the next 15 years.  We began the process in Autumn 2023 with a series of public consultations and undertook further consultations as our plan developed. 
Crickhowell Town Plan

You can see the final Town Plan here (English and Welsh versions). Hard copies are also available in Crickhowell Library and Crickhowell Resource and Information Centre (CRIC).

The major areas of interest and concern expressed during the consultation were:
• Housing
• Environment and Food
• Transport - Cars, Buses, Bikes and Pedestrians
• Civic Space
• Commerce and Industry
• Education
• Culture
• Sport and Leisure
The Town Council adopted this final version in June 2024. We see this Plan as an evidence based for the Park Authority to prepare their new Development Plan. Parts of the Town Plan will then form evidence as the basis for future planning decisions in our town. 

Generally, the view of Crickhowell residents of their town is positive. The plan sets out the town’s aspirations for the future development of Crickhowell which builds on what is good and tries to address the problems we have. It also provides vital evidence of need for the Town Council and other community groups when applying for grant applications.

Crickhowell has a generally older population than the Welsh average, with the 17-35 year-old demographic having shrunk in the last decade or so. Although people may leave the town at the beginning of their adult lives to find higher and further education and work, many return when they are about to start families. We want the town to meet the needs of everyone and be a place where residents of all ages are able to live and work and enjoy themselves.

However, the Town Council cannot achieve anything without the enthusiasm and encouragement of local people and businesses. We hope that the Town Plan provides a firm foundation that we can build on, working together to ensure a sustainable future for Crickhowell.

Future Projects

We hope that the Town Plan can provide the impetus and the evidence for future projects in Crickhowell. The Town Council has already obtained funding to erect solar panels on the CRIC building which will reduce running costs and increase environmental benefits.
If anyone has ideas for projects that they would like to take forward please get in touch with the Town Council for a chat (

The Town Council is building on the desire to ‘tidy up’ the town and better connect different areas of the town by applying to the Bannau Brycheiniog National Park’s Nature Recovery Fund. We are talking to individuals and community groups about creating some small areas of planting around town, including fruit trees or bushes, pollinator plants and even herbs. We have an excellent example of how small areas can be enhanced through planting by a dedicated group of volunteers at Crickhowell Library.

If funding is obtained the project has the potential to:
• increase space for nature
• bring people in touch with nature
• encourage community involvement in creating and maintaining nature areas
• connect different areas of town with a trail supported by information on the project
If anyone would like to offer their help and expertise with this project please contact 


The Town Council approved a Volunteer Policy in 2023 and is committed to working with volunteers from all backgrounds. We value and recognise the experience and knowledge that volunteers bring to our community, and aim to provide a welcoming, supportive and productive volunteering experience. The benefits are considerable:
• An opportunity to contribute meaningfully to the community
• A sense of fulfilment and purpose
• Helps the Town Council through local knowledge and encourages residents to better understand the role of the Council
• An opportunity to learn new skills, improve health and wellbeing, gain confidence and recognition and make new friends
Please read through the Town Plan and talk to friends, family and your organisations about what you can do for your town!

If you are interested in volunteering please complete this contact form and we will be in touch for you to have a chat with councillors about working on projects relevant to your skills

Place Plan (English) Place Plan (Welsh)
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